Employee Spotlight

Emma Eidsvoog - July Featured Employee

Emma is a recent graduate from Bethel University with a degree in Journalism. She grew up in northern Minnesota, but college led her to the Twin Cities where she enjoys going swing dancing, eating Thai curry and going on late night Target runs with her friends.

Briefly describe what you do in a day.

I mainly write corporate and family foundation grant applications for our clients. I also research prospective funders and stay on top of new funding opportunities.

What is the best part of your job?

Being able to bring in grant dollars for our clients that greatly impacts their work serving under-resourced populations in Minnesota. And bouncing ideas off of a dedicated and experienced team at the office.

What is your proudest moment at JMA?

Bringing in philanthropic dollars for a client’s new program, which supports their work to serve under-resourced students in the Twin Cities.

What are three words to describe yourself?

Helpful, coachable, kind

What’s one thing we wouldn’t necessarily know about you?

When I was a kid, my family had a lot of different animals including cats, dogs, fish, cows, goats, ducks, and chickens.

What is the best meal you’ve had?

Halibut at a restaurant in the cities.